Last week I used SketchFlow feature of Expression Blend to make a prototype of our next project. I was surprised to see flexibility in the tool. Creating prototype screens are so easy that within few hours we have our prototype ready and publish to stake holders for their review.

Few usefull screenshots and tips will be shared soon, however I must say that this tool looks promising and quite helpful. There is a functionality of creating sample data to bind with lists, grids and any other control.

Create the sample data as per the business entities and bind it with controls.

Phew, screen is ready.

There is another great feature to create map between the screens. Just click one screen and connect to other. When the prototype is being played in the SketchFlow player it will have navigation feature as per the map. Very easy to provide navigational flow.

In today’s scenario where we have everyday change in the requirement these kind of tools are very helpful to build common understanding within the team.

Create the prototype, publish to team and get their feedback.

Feedback option is also quite helpful for revieweres as well as developer/designers to incorporate it.

And the best part, all these screens could be used during development of the application as a base line. Means there is no duplicate effort.

Please keep visiting this space for detailed information about this tool..


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